Day: November 16, 2020

Reasons Why You Should Try Text Message Marketing

Running a business is not an easy task especially if you are starting out. Getting people hooked to your products or services takes a while. However, there are ways in which you can facilitate this and the best way to go about it is through marketing. There is no better way of increasing your reach than by opting for text messaging. Here are some reasons why you should jump on the text messaging bandwagon, and how to choose the best service provider.

Mobile is the way to go

Most people search for and access information directly on their mobile phones. 99% of the time, they open their text messages within the first 10 minutes of receipt. For someone looking for faster responses to their messages, text messaging is definitely the way to go. With apps such as Textedly, you can send your target audience marketing information and receive feedback faster than with other marketing options such as email.


One of the reasons why text messaging is becoming more and more popular with marketing experts is that it is cheap and budget-friendly. You do not need to break the bank in order to send across your messages. The good news is that you can also send messages in bulk without paying more for each text. All you need is a subscription that covers messages in bulk. Textedly is one of the best apps to subscribe to for bulk text function.

Fewer chances of spam

For most people, dealing with numerous advertisement links and spam content is annoying and might lead them to ignore your marketing campaigns altogether. With text messaging, your content is already limited to a set number of characters, and even while you are able to insert links to your messages leading your audience to your content, chances of spamming are eliminated. To avoid your recipients from not opening and responding to your emails, you should avoid sending too many text messages at once.

Easy monitoring

Another perk of using text marketing is that you can easily track your campaigns individually. Depending on the app you use for your text messaging, you could also track subscriptions and people unsubscribing from your services.

Using a reliable service provider who is supportive and affordable will help you realize your marketing targets in an efficient manner. You should also consider finding a service provider that works with large companies as they know the industry better.…